

AMA Operator Application

AMA Tour Operator Application

AMA Associate Application


Benefits of Membership:

  • Members develop strong business relationships through networking at AMA events.
  • Members must review and sign the AMA Code of Ethics.
  • AMA members aspire to highest professional standards in the industry treating customers and other members with honesty, integrity, and accuracy.
  • In order to be considered for members an application must obtain two letters of recommendation from current members.
  • Members have the right to display the AMA logo on company business forms, communications, and advertisements.
  • Every AMA member has a listing and web link on the AMA website making our members easy to find.
  • Every AMA member has a listing in the Annual Membership Directory that is printed and distributed to members each year.
  • The Annual Meeting and Market Place brings operator buyers and travel industry sellers from all over the United States together. There are educational sessions for members. The market place session is a time where the operators are seated in booths. During market place associates will visit the operator booths and give a 5 minute presentation about their company. The associates will also present any materials to operators in a three-hole punch plastic sleeve that fit in a three-ring binder. The meeting registration fee does not include your hotel room stay. Members are not automatically registered for the Annual Meeting when they reserve a hotel room stay. Annual Meeting registration forms are not available for download on this site; they are mailed and emailed to current members.
  • AMA maintains a relationship with other state motorcoach associations and tourism entities through regular communications to stay up-to-date on issues affecting members.
  • AMA’s professional association management team has over fifty years of combined experience in the motorcoach industry.
  • AMA’s Board of Directors promote legislation to enhance the motorcoach industry in Alabama.
  • Membership events and meetings are networking opportunities for members. Operators members are defined as motorcoach companies that own/operate motorcoaches conducting business within Alabama; Having been certified under applicable federal and state operating authority requirements. Tour Operator members are defined as a person or company who plans or packages tours requiring charter services and, in some circumstances, other services offered by the motorcoach owners/operators. Tour Operators do not own or operate motorcoaches. Associate members are service companies, tour destinations, visitors bureaus, attractions, hotels, restaurants, theatres, etc.
  • Members receive a listing in and a copy of the membership directory. Associate members are eligible to advertise in the directory. Members receive a quarterly newsletter by email. Associate members are also eligible to advertise in the newsletter.
  • Only members are allowed to attend and participate in the Annual Meeting and Market Place. Market Place is the AMA “trade show.” Market Place is conducted so that the associate members visit the operator company owners/employees rather than the associates having an exhibit booth. Associates are allowed to bring any literature or other materials to demonstrate the desirability of the service, destination, attraction, etc. All members should bring plenty of business cards.